
Guest Speaking for startup groups and accelerators

Audience who most benefit: Tech Founders / First-time Startup CTOs and Non-Tech Founders
What I provide: For leadership groups, accelerators and podcasts, book me to provide your audience
with stories from the trenches, guidance for mindset, mechanics and momentum to inspire and propel forward.
One-on-one coaching available for those who'd like a deeper dive.
Delivery: Virtual or IRL
Cost: Negotiable


Denis Daigle is the founder of Sidecar CTO Services and Coaching, where the belief is "we're all in this together." As a startup CTO Coach and Fractional CTO, Denis rides side by side with tech founders, first-time CTOs, and business founders without a tech partner, guiding them through the twists and turns of their journey. Passionate about helping those who need it most but have the least resources, Denis is the coach he wished he had in their shoes, offering the map, mindset, and mechanics needed to navigate the startup landscape. By empowering others to realize their impact, Denis makes a personal mark on the world, one startup at a time.


"In 2017, I co-founded a venture-backed SaaS startup in Canada as CTO without really knowing what a CTO is supposed to do for the success of the company. I made tons of avoidable mistakes and made a promise to myself that one day I'd return to guide others, becoming the coach I wished I had when I went through the startup gauntlet.

One thing that I'll never forget is that in the accelerators, the CEO is the main focus, the CTO is left to "figure things out". I tried to get more support, but the mold was set. I'm looking to change that, and this is my attempt!

My mission is to embolden tech leaders with the mindset, mechanics and momentum they need to confidently own their roles and create the meaningful impact they were meant to do in the world. Our technical future rests on their vision, courage and leadership. Let's do everything we can to help them unlock that future we can all benefit from."

If this resonates with you, I'd love to see how I can help. Book time with me!

© 2023 Denis Daigle